
Constitution of the Programmers' Society

Effective on and from the 16th March 1989


The Society shall be named "Programmers' Society".


The following terms, unless otherwise indicated to the contrary shall mean:



4.1. Membership

Membership shall be open to all Union members, and to all other persons satisfying the requirements of membership as may be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.

4.2. Conditions of Membership

4.3. Expulsion

4.4. Disqualification

4.5. Resignation of Membership

A member's resignation shall be not considered effective unless it is made in writing to the Secretary nor until it is accepted by the Executive Committee. No refund of subscription or part thereof shall be made to a resigning member. No person having resigned shall be permitted to rejoin the Society except by payment of a fresh subscription.


5.1. The Executive Committee shall:

5.2. Executive Committee Vacancies

Any vacancy occurring on the Executive Committee shall be filled at a Special General Meeting to be held as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs.

5.3. Remuneration and Benefits

No remuneration or other benefit in money or money's worth shall be paid to any member except for re-payment of out-of-pocket expenses.

5.4. Eligibility for Election

No member may be elected to any position on the Executive Committee who has not paid their subscription for the year in which that office is to be served. No member shall be elected to any position on the Executive Committee without signifying that they are willing to accept their nomination to that position. No member may be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive terms.

5.5. Executive Committee-person's Duties

5.6. Security

All members holding access privileges to the Society room shall make all reasonable efforts to maintain the security of the room.

5.7. General Committee Officers

General Committee Officers are to be appointed at the discretion of the Executive Committee and removed at the earlier of either removal by discretion of the Executive Committee, or at the end of an office period of the Executive Committee. General Committee Officers do not hold a position on the Executive Committee, and shall assist and advise the Executive Committee. Persons eligible for appointments must be financial members of the Society for the year they are appointed. General Committee Officer roles and positions are to be determined and revised by the Executive Committee from time to time.


6.1. Financial Year

The Financial Year shall commence on the first day of January.

6.2. Trustees

The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Society for the time being shall be "ex officio" Trustees of the Society and the property of the Society shall be deemed to be vested in them in trust for the members of the Society, and they shall deal with the property of the Society as directed from time to time by the Executive Committee. Any action, suit or other proceeding may be taken or brought on behalf of the Society by and in the name of the Trustees. The Trustees, or any two of them, are hereby empowered to sign, seal and otherwise execute and complete all debentures, securities, leases and other documents required to be executed, to effectuate any dealings with the Society's property or any transaction in connection with the Society's affairs which have been authorised by the Executive Committee.

6.3. Bank Account

The Trustees shall open and maintain a bank account in the name of and on behalf of the Society.

6.4. Withdrawals and Account Signatories

Monies shall not be drawn except by cheque or orders signed by two trustees or by the Secretary for the time being of the Union who may act as sole signatory on all accounts.


7.1. Appointment of Chairperson

In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, the Committee members present shall appoint a chairperson for that meeting.

7.2. Annual General Meetings

7.3. Ordinary General Meetings

7.4. Special General Meetings

7.5. Advertising Meetings


8.1. Amendments

This constitution may be repealed, altered or amended only by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose of amending this constitution.

8.2. Amendment Notice

Notice of motions concerning any such amendments shall be lodged with the Secretary at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of such meeting and at least seven (7) days notice shall be given of such proposed amendments to every member.

8.3. Lodging of Amendments with the Union

Details of any amendment that has been duly approved by the members shall be given to the Secretary of the Union within seven (7) days of such amendment being adopted.


9.1. Dissolution

Dissolution of the Society shall take place only if such a decision is reached by a Special General Meeting as described below. There shall be three weeks notice of the meeting. Normal quorum requirements will not apply. The motion for dissolution will be considered defeated unless supported by the votes of more than two-thirds of the members of the Society entitled to vote. Such votes must be placed at the meeting, proxies and absentee votes will not be permitted.

9.2. Disposal of Assets


10.1. Executive Committee Ruling

In the case of doubt or conflict of opinion in interpretation of this constitution or in any circumstance not covered by this constitution, the Executive Committee's ruling shall be binding upon members.