Guide: ProgSoc Voting System [beta]
I've been asked to make a quick guide to using the voting system I've been developing. Keep in mind that there are still more features to add, and I will hopefully get most of it done before other societies' AGMs begin.
I've been asked to make a quick guide to using the voting system I've been developing. Keep in mind that there are still more features to add, and I will hopefully get most of it done before other societies' AGMs begin. But as of writing, the system works well and has been stress tested by a room of people.
How to use
On the page, enter a room name and create it.

The "Board" is what the members should see. It contains the join link and the current room voting state.
Open the board on the projector and screen share (or just in a new tab if testing).
The board should have a join code:

Let members join either via the link or the QR.
Members trying to join should see this page:

Once members start joining, navigate to the "Waiting Room" tab in the admin menu. You should see members trying to join:

When you press "Admit", the user will be added to the voting room. If you press "Decline", the user will be rejected, however, they can try joining again via the code/URL (it's impossible to prevent that). If a user is unintentionally admitted, it is possible to kick them after.
The "In Person" and "Online" options help you as an exec get a general feel for who's applying from where, so you can tell if the people applying are really present or they're fake.
After you're ready to start setting questions, navigate to the "Set Questions" tab and create a question:

After the vote is created, the users may vote:

After that, you can end the question, and see the results:

To view the results, click "View Results" on the room info page and all the previous questions will be shown:

Currently there is no exporting mechanism other than taking screenshots, but that should be sufficient for the minutes anyway.
Bugs, Feature suggestions and Contribution
If you would like to report a bug, suggest features, or are interested in contributing, contact our executives in the ProgSoc Discord server, or contact me directly (Arduano#0481).